Thursday, March 17, 2016

Shylights by Studio Drift

Long time fan of Studio DRIFT! I love how every piece they create invokes the crossroads of nature and technology. Technology can be very bland and cold, even in the hands of Apple. Making technology as breathtakingly beautiful as nature both skill and the soul of an artist.

Shylights by Studio DRIFT

Shylights by Studio DRIFT 

Shylights by Studio Drift

The making of Shylight (short version) from Studio DRIFT on Vimeo.

Previous Studio DRIFT posts:

Fragile Future 

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Casa del Acantilado, Spain

This one stopped me right in my tracks with a "YES, PLEASE". I love a funky roof to begin with, and I am absolutely enchanted with the "face" of this house design. The ocean view doesn't exactly suck, either.

I find the interior very underwhelming and sterile  in contrast to that amazing roof. That baby needs some color and some style to make it look less like a Swedish skin care clinic.

Designer: Gil Bartolome 

Casa del Acantilado (Cliff House), Spain - Gil Bartolome

Casa del Acantilado (Cliff House), Spain - Gil Bartolome

Casa del Acantilado (Cliff House), Spain - Gil Bartolome

Casa del Acantilado (Cliff House), Spain - Gil Bartolome

Casa del Acantilado (Cliff House), Spain - Gil Bartolome

Monday, February 15, 2016

Art Lighting Fixtures by Sharon Marston

Apparently I cannot get enough lighting fixtures these days. The latest ones to catch my eye are these lovelies by Sharon Marston.

The ones I like best are the long, sweeping cascades from the ceiling. My obvious flair for DRAMA is showing ;)

Spiral Light by Sharon Marston

Azure Light by Sharon Marston
Detail on Azure Light by Sharon Marson

Willow Light by Sharon Marson

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Lasvit "Bubbles in Space"

Honestly, I could probably fill an entire blog with all the amazing lighting designs I've seen come out of Lasvit. Being as I'm attempting a bit of restraint, I'll just highlight one of my favorites :)

The original idea for "Bubbles in Space" came from champagne bubbles, so it seems appropriate to feature it as we roll into holiday festivities - and more importantly, my birthday :)

I think I might like the version with all white/clear glass vs the bi-color version. It would really depend on where it was hanging and the overall ambiance you're creating.

However, it's early in the day and now I'm questioning why no one has come up with champagne coffee yet....

Bubbles in Space - Lasvit, Jitka Skuhrava-Kamencova designer

Bubbles in Space - Lasvit, Jitka Skuhrava-Kamencova designer

Bubbles in Space - Lasvit, Jitka Skuhrava-Kamencova designer

Bubbles in Space - Lasvit, Jitka Skuhrava-Kamencova designer

Friday, November 27, 2015

Kirsky Mitchell "Gaia" from the "Wonderland" Series

I've showcased Kirsty Mitchell's "Wonderland" series before, it is finally finished after 74 amazing photos. I'm picking out some of my favorites to share...

Gaia is not only a standout, but Kirsty kept a diary of why she made the choices and how she set the shot up. The video below shows prepping the model and layering on the costume for the photo shoot.

Kirsty Mitchell Photography - Gaia

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Neon Luminescence from The LenzBy Sean Lenz and Kristoffer Abildgaard

Waterfalls, glow sticks, long exposure photography. How could that NOT be cool? Sean Lenz and Kristoffer Abildgaard had created some really gorgeous photographs using just that technique!

I found the greens and blues more compelling visually, maybe because red and yellow are danger colors and those tend to set off unconscious alarms? The blues and greens seem more artistic and calming.

What do you think?

By Sean Lenz and Kristoffer Abildgaard

By Sean Lenz and Kristoffer Abildgaard

By Sean Lenz and Kristoffer Abildgaard

By Sean Lenz and Kristoffer Abildgaard

Sunday, August 9, 2015

More gorgeous things to put on your walls and ceilings! I really love these paper wall lanterns for their fluid, organic shapes. Put LED bulbs these babies and you've got art that's energy efficient. Who doesn't love that?

My favorite quote from creator William Leslie's website: "I strive to create beautiful forms that will invite people out of their mental busyness to see the timelessness in passing time. Human life, too, is a whirling dance of patterns within patterns".

Art Lighting Fixture by William Leslie - "Sea Swept"
Art Lighting Fixture by William Leslie - "Mandala"

Art Lighting Fixture by William Leslie - "Starburst"

Art Lighting Fixture by William Leslie - "Aria"

Art Lighting Fixture by William Leslie - "Waves"